Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's winter break, and I wish it would actually snow. It only snowed once last year. North Carolina's weather is no fun, if you ask me. We're in the process of updating our equipment, rounding up and confirming everyone involved with the band, and finalizing the foundations, as in the finances and rules. Also trying to get everyone together to write songs and practice. Izzy, our guitarist, started coding our website and it is awesome. We just recorded 2 demos of songs with me singing and they are amazing. Upload them soon, maybe.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

I am chewing watermelon gum.....wooooo! If any of you know about our band, good for you, and follow me and everyone else in the band. So this is my life, my name is Mars. I am a merch/techie dude in a band, called Nameless Elegy. My hobbies are BMX and football. Life is just fine, but it'll be great when we finally start getting gigs and stuff together. (Which will hopefully be next year, probably in July.) We've got several songs completely done, and many in the making. If you or someone you know runs a coffee shop or something and you give us free coffee, I love you.


Is persistence a virtue?

Well, hello there, my name is Mars. Weird name, but whatever. I'm the merch dude/one of the techies for the band Nameless Elegy. (Which is awesome, by the way.) Here, I shall explain my travels, and tell the stories of what happens backstage. And show you new merch and equipment we get. And explain why we won't give up, no matter what hardships we may face as a band and our outcome of success, hopefully.
